Friday Morning at 7:30

This post is set to appear at the scheduled start of my cancer surgery. If there are no complications, it should take about an hour.

Please be seated in the waiting room.

Here’s some waiting room music.

Follow-up: The nurses said the surgery was routine. The fact that I didn’t see the surgeon post-op is, in itself, a good indicator. Of course, he may have left to get an early start on the Memorial Day weekend. 😉 I will, of course, have a follow-up appointment with him.

There is significant swelling at the site, which is very tender, but the pain is, so far, manageable with Ibuprofen. Final biopsy results should be available by the end of next week.

5 thoughts on “Friday Morning at 7:30”

  1. I’ve been, and remain, thinking about you. Hoping and praying the recovery is going well. Take care.

  2. P.S. Dr. Conrad refers to Jacko’s personal doctor, of course. You should be out of surgery by now!.

  3. Wish I could be there to wait for my twinster. Love the music.

    Hey! Where’s the Keurig machine with its huge selection of coffee and tea pods? I also demand a fresh pastry tray and a beautifully arranged layout of uncreased magazines

    Don’t laugh. This is what my now-retired orthopedic surgeon offered in State College 13 years. Sadly, it’s time to go back and re-evaluate the severe arthritis.

    If you’re nervous, ask the anesthesiologist for a sedative before surgery to take the edge off. Versed. Ask for it by name! Dr. Conrad will have his giant (they’re always huge!) syringe of “magic milk” ready.

    Seriously, I’ll be saying a rosary for you then. Works great for us Catholics!

    Love you so much, Dougie!

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