4a x $300 = 8a

Well, it’s done. For $300 I have a Pixel 8a and keep the Pixel 4a. Everything has been copied over, the SIM swapped, and the cellular phone service checked. To my surprise, 5G came up. The last I knew, my plan was limited to 4G/LTE.

Successful data transfusion between phones

All of the many updates have been taken. Now there’s the arduous task of logging onto many accounts and pairing all of the Bluetooth devices.

How did I take a picture of both phones, while both of them were busy? With my ol’ reliable Canon PowerShot SD1000. I don’t know how long it had been since I last used the camera, but it powered right up without needing a charge.

This old commercial with Maria Sharapova had absolutely nothing to do with why I bought a Canon PowerShot camera! Not a thing, I swear!

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