As pleased as I am that my Logitech Squeezebox hardware is back in full service, there’s another Logitech product from their most innovative period that’s dead, never to return to service — the Revue. It was Google’s first attempt at Google TV, only to be dropped when Chromecast was introduced. Such is progress. The Revue is seen in this picture from thirteen years ago, when the porch’s Samsung 40″ TV was new.
Also note the Magnavox DVD player. Lacking HDMI, it was connected to the Samsung via component video, having originally been on an S-Video cable going to the old Sony 32XBR100. The Sony is in the basement and it continues to be used, not by me, for classic video games.
The DVD player, made by Funai, was swapped out long ago for a Samsung Blu-ray deck, and put into storage. Funai is in liquidation. Sony and Panasonic are the only major manufacturers continuing to sell Blu-ray players. Such is progress.
The Magnavox was recently pulled out of storage and put back into service for the Samsung 32″ bedroom TV. Being almost fifteen years old, the set has component inputs.
I’m using the DVD player to watch some of Night Gallery before going to bed. Last night I watched one of the most memorable Night Gallery stories, “The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes,” with Clint Howard.