Atomic Clock Failure!

My radio-controlled Acu-Rite wall clock is supposed to be synchronized with the NIST Atomic Clock.

All the Acu-Rite has to do is receive the signal from that one station, WWVB in Fort Collins, Colorado. Apparently, it wasn’t paying attention last night, when Daylight Saving Time kicked in.

Maybe it’s bothered that the station’s call letters aren’t KWVB, despite being west of the Mississippi River. Or perhaps the clock doesn’t like Daylight Saving Time because of Colorado’s proximity to Arizona. Wait. Did Trump tell Elon to turn off the signal?

Update: I took the battery out of the clock and replaced it. Overnight, it synched up with the shortwave signal and now displays the correct time.

One thought on “Atomic Clock Failure!”

  1. My Marathon clock (a Canadian brand) is suffering similarly. It has an icon that indicates whether it has received the time signal overnight, and it’s been for some reason much more consistent this winter, but still awaiting a new sync since the DST change.

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