100 Movies on the Screen, 99 Movies …

My sister Jean has spotted a gem of a YouTube video. [Link] It’s an amateur’s take-off of the American Film Institute’s multiple lists of 100 movies. [Link] The aspect ratio is screwed up on many of the clips, but that doesn’t spoil the fun. This one may get pulled from YouTube for obvious reasons, so I’d better post it myself.
[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/JUN07/AFI100.flv 400 300]

2 thoughts on “100 Movies on the Screen, 99 Movies …”

  1. That was great! I loved it! I just knew it had to be Spinal Tap for 11! I was amazed at how many movies I recognized just from the brief clip.

  2. “Your eyes are full of hate, 41. That’s good. Hate will keep you alive.” That’s always been a fave of mine. HA! The one about the “new invention,” the fax: “It can download a WHOLE PAGE in only 18 minutes!” HA!

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