Iraq Bags Dad Again

I was going to do some more blogging tonight. Instead, I watched the PBS Frontline Report “Endgame.” I watched it on TV, and that’s the best way to see it, but you can click the link to watch it online. [Link] I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again now. The American policy for Iraq should begin with one word. Leave.

One thought on “Iraq Bags Dad Again”

  1. You know those signs you see in some gift shops, that say, “You break it, you bought it”? We broke the regime in Iraq. Saddam and his two sons, who might have been successors to Saddam, are all dead. We’re paying now for what we broke, in lives – both American troops and innocent noncombatant bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time… and in dollars. So we’re left with this broken figurine, wondering what kind of glue will finally do the trick in putting this thing back together again as a permanent fixative. So far, our glue hasn’t been working in some places, and hasn’t been holding for too long in others.

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