No Buddy From Netflix

On a whim I checked the free Video On Demand offerings on FiOS TV, and spotted a movie with the description “Norwegian comedy” so, what the heck, I pressed OK. The movie is a serio-comic romance from 2003, called Buddy. Carol and I really enjoyed it.

Netflix has both the DVD and the option to play Buddy online, but sitting together in front of the computer isn’t an option, and getting video from the computer to the TV is an annoying and unreliable process. Fortunately, getting TV to the computer is much easier, so here’s a 3-minute scene from Buddy, as played on FiOS TV V-O-D.

[flv: 400 300]

2 thoughts on “No Buddy From Netflix”

  1. Silent movies certainly took advantage of the universality of physical expression. All they had to do to “localize” a movie was insert different title cards.

  2. Say, how come there are all these different languages in the world, anyway? Our body language is the same in most countries, well, at least in the Western World, as in this movie.

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