The Daily Show Year By Year

If you have all the time in the world, you can now browse through countless hours of video on the new Web site for Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show. But not having all the time in the world, here is my favorite Even Stevphen installment. I featured it last Christmas, but it’s about Halloween, so it’s time for an encore.


2 thoughts on “The Daily Show Year By Year”

  1. Nummy — not! What I don’t like is how a few candies now dominate Halloween. It used to be easier to find a wider variety of treats.

  2. Very timely and very funny, Doug! Thanks!!

    Oh…I was thinking about giving out homemade, tofu oatmeal cookies for Halloween…But after watching this video clip, maybe I better not. That’s okay…I can make the soy granola bars, instead. The kiddies can wash ’em down with some cinnamon-and-spice rice milk. Lactose free!! ; 0

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