FRONTLINE: Showdown With Iran

The PBS series FRONTLINE has a program on the situation between America and Iran. This is a must-see explanation of how we got where we are. Is it any surprise that Bush has screwed up everything, at every turn? I have to conclude this was done intentionally because the policy from Day 1 has been to go to war. The only other explanation is outright incompetence. Of course, both intent and incompetence are possible.

Fortunately, it’s up to Congress to declare war, and there’s no way that’s going to happen. If Bush and Cheney act on their own, claiming coverage by the powers granted in October 2002, there would be grounds for immediate impeachment proceedings.

You can watch ‘Showdown With Iran’ either on TV or online.

FRONTLINE: Showdown With Iran

Oh, look. It’s Richard Armitage. The man who compromised national security by revealing Valerie Plame‘s identity as a covert CIA operative to right wing-nut columnist Robert Novak.