Colbert Report suspended!

Last night, I was surprised to see that The Colbert Report was a repeat, even though The Daily Show was a new installment. They always come as a matched set, so something must be wrong. The Huffington Post says, “Production has halted on “The Colbert Report” for Wednesday and Thursday, according to fans who had tickets for the rest of the week’s tapings.”

Does Colbert have a personal emergency? Has Viacom pulled the plug on the show because of the SuperPAC?

Follow-up: The Wall Street Journal says it’s “because of an emergency in Mr. Colbert’s family, according to people familiar with the show.”

Further follow-up: Colbert’s mother is over 90 years old. Just saying.

While we’re waiting for Stephen’s return, let’s watch the latest battle in the Colbert-Fallon Ice Cream Wars. I just eat this stuff up.

Stephen sends a valentine to Jimmy…

… and delivery is made.

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