“Look, Iraq Iran is dangerous”

George Bush, Idiot-In-Chief

Bush isn’t even the boy who cried wolf, because unlike the children’s story it turns out there’s no wolf.

Bush said the new conclusion — contradicting earlier U.S. assessments — would not prompt him to take off the table the possibility of pre-emptive military action against Iran.

“Look, Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”

Bush was wrong about stem cells, tax cuts for the rich, Iraq, Terry Schiavo, and Social Security. So I’m sure as heck not going to start thinking he’s got it right this time.

3 thoughts on ““Look, Iraq Iran is dangerous””

  1. Ha. Beautifully put Doug! He’s got his place in history… and I’m glad it’s him and not me!

    Fortunately, this report should mean that even Bush and his evil VP Darth Vader, should be unable to lauuch a military strike on Iran, for, erm, NOT having a nuclear capability. Congress surely won’t vote him money for that…. will they?

    In the mean time, on this side of the water, we are not immune from idiots.

    Brown is refusing to go to an EU summet this weekend because the odious dictator Mugabe is there. This might have been seen as a principled stand if only Brown hadn’t welcomed another odious dictator to lunch at Downing Street only a few weeks ago. Ah, but then King Abdullah (for that odious dictator in none other than he) is sitting on half the world’s oil, and he does spend billions on British made arms… whereas Mugabe has no oil, no money…. nothing!

    A totally different kind of odious then?…. A POOR odious dictator. Tut. Away with him

  2. Indeed! The contrarian approach to knowing what is good and right. And there’s no hindsight necessary. Even before he was selected by the Supreme Court to be President in 2000, critics from Texas who knew Bush warned that he broke everything he touched. The oil company, the baseball team, etc. For every failure he was rewarded by being promoted up, as if he would somehow succeed if only he could be in a position worthy of his monumental abilities.

    But, of course, the inevitable occurred. Bush was handed a fabulous budget surplus and he blew it. He took the one good outcome of 9/11 — the universal support and sympathy America received — and blew it.

    Well, there’s no position higher than the one Bush has, so he can’t fail up. He has only one direction left to take, and he can’t take it soon enough to suit me.

  3. Has he been right about anything?

    I pretty well hear what comes out of his idiot mouth, and immediately assume the opposite.

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