Why Yahoo! Is Better Than Google

Ten years ago, Microsoft ruled the roost. But now, thanks to the return of Steve Jobs, Apple is a powerhouse in consumer electronics, and online it’s big, bad Google that’s calling the shots. So Microsoft wants to acquire Yahoo! Does Microsoft need Yahoo more than Yahoo needs Microsoft? Yahoo thinks so, because they’re holding out for more money.

But let’s keep Google in perspective. Its search engine isn’t perfect. For example, here are the results from a search I did a few minutes ago. Click to enlarge the picture, and look at the fourth hit.

Google Search Results

Google doesn’t put the popular Pratt Hobbies Rocket Catalog on the first page, but there’s a link to wedding pictures that you can’t look at, because they’re password protected? What’s up with that?

Now here is the same search, but done on Yahoo! Look at the first site listed.

Yahoo Search Results

There. Much better, don’t you think? Top of the world, Ma!

10 thoughts on “Why Yahoo! Is Better Than Google”

  1. You shouldn’t be getting any 404 errors. The pages that are generated by WordPress on demand are what they are, unless they’ve been put inside of a frame on another site. The Internet connection can’t have anything to do with it, but your browser might, because of the way it submits the comment. The browsers that I know work right are IE 6 and 7, and Firefox 2 and 3.

  2. Hi Doug! I’ve been going into Yahoo then to your site thru “One Search” and when I hit submit my comment shows up ok as waiting for moderation. I’m guessing because my phone and software are older that might be why the direct way gives me 404 messages. With Yahoo what’s cool is when I typed in my name and “-cats” in the search, for the heck of it, my commenting shows up. I share a name with a Scottish professor who sounds like a great lady. I told my sister I hit the big time and showed up on Yahoo! 🙂

  3. Hi Doug! I Have a small pocket size phone with a telephone-type keyboard. I like those new cellphones with the computer-look keyboard and the screen shaped like a keyboard. This one is only about 2 and a half years old but it’s already considered obsolete compared to the newer models. When my battery started to go bad I was able to get 2 extended charge batteries for $20. That was alot less than I thought they’d be.

  4. It must be more than just a cellphone, like I have. Something with a real keyboard. My cellphone is three years old, and was the smallest free one available at the time,so I can keep it in my pocket. But now the phones have gotten bigger, and for men they require a holster.

    The 404 error means the server could deliver what it was asked to get. I don’t know why that happened when you were accessing the site through the cell network.

  5. Hi! I’m using my cell phone to comment since I like the portability of it. I have the equivalent of a dinosaur now and have a question. When I hit the highlighted “Submit” I get a prompt to retry. So I try again and I get a 404 notice. I then hit “Menu” and “History” and go out that way. I know my comments go through but I’m hoping it doesn’t mess up anything with me doing that. I need to start using the desktop computer we have more!.

  6. Hi! When doing some geneology (sp?) research I ran across many Stringers named Joan in the U.K. and U.S. which was pretty cool. Some were researching too so when I can I’ll have to contact some. 2 of my dad’s sisters traced our family back to 2 counties in Ireland. From there our family spread out. Mom’s family (Heidelbaugh) is mostly German/Dutch, but I don’t know exact locations.

  7. Back when I was buying movies in the now defunct pre-DVD video format called Laserdisc, I met Doug Pratt at a great store in Waltham MA, now equally defunct, called Sight&Sound. We had a good laugh over the coincidence in our names.

    I got to know to owners of the store well, and one day the assistant manager said, “Congratulations! You’re in the top ten customer list.” By that point I was worried I’d been spending too much money, and I asked who was number one. “Roger Ebert,” he replied. I asked him doubtfully, “Really?” He pointed at the computer screen and I could see that he wasn’t kidding. That was when I realized I had a problem, and after that I switched to mostly renting, and I suspect my DVD collection is quite modest compared to most, and I’m a big fan of Netflix.

  8. “Ha-Ha! SNORT!” It took me two reads of your answer to pick up the “…Doug is a great guy.” tucked quietly in there! I’m getting old and slow but I cracked up laughing when I read that! I do appreciate the title puns to your posts! 🙂

  9. I see that since I posted this I’ve moved up to #2 on Google, behind the DVD Newsletter Doug Pratt, and that’s fine with me. Doug is a great guy.

    I have Yahoo! e-mail access on my ATT cellphone, which is a nice convenience in a pinch. I’m not at all into texting.

    At some point I’ll look into drainage for our house too. The sump pump does a fine job in the spring for the week or two it’s needed, but I’d rather not have it run if there’s another way.

    I’m glad you found my blog. I don’t publish my stat counters, but from a peak of 5000 different addresses, I’m averaging 4500 different address accesses every month, representing 100,000 hits. Of those, only a few regulars comment, of course. I’ve seen other blogs with small hit counters, but the blogger is youthful and has a large network of friends, so there are lots of comments.

  10. Hi! I like Yahoo! for the fact it’s on my cell phone and I use it alot on the PC. I have to hook up my new PC-a gift from my neighbor who moved to CA, didn’t want to ship it, and uses a laptop out there-plus my old PC died! Haven’t hooked it up yet since we need a drainage system set up and I’m putting things in climate-controlled storage so I can show the engineer where our possible/probable structural damage is.The previous homeowner did his own work for everything and whatever he touched he made worse-we’ve found and replaced and repaired some doozies! Where Yahoo! has been great is finding drainage info., our engineer{who is with the residential/forensic/ structural/civil dept. of a large construction/architectural/engineering firm that builds malls, bridges, and corp.centers, among other things.}, and when looking up WBZ info., I found this site! I prefer it to any other search engine.

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