Got His Mojo Blogging

My buddy Bismo is happy to inform us that his friend Mojo, highlighted here as an Emmy-winning special effects wiz for Battlestar Galactica on The Sci-Fi channel, has started a blog. And he’s using WordPress’s blogging service. Smart man, Mojo. Go here to read all about the night he picked up his Emmy. I’ll have to be careful reading this, however, as Bismo has warned me about spoilers. We’ve been only semi-weekly lately in our Friday night Galactica DVD watching, and we’re only up to the start of season 3.

2 thoughts on “Got His Mojo Blogging”

  1. Having Arnie Kogen pop up was a very big deal. And a lot of fun! Without the Internet, such a connection wouldn’t have been possible.

  2. DOINK! I DID make that comment under the original Emmy posting that got Arnie Kogen in on the action! How soon I forget! I meant, I haven’t posted under Mojo’s new BLOG.

    I am so in awe of guys (and gals) who can do CGI and other special effects, it’s like Wayne and Garth: “We are not worthy! We are not worthy!”

    After Star Wars, natch, the first bit of special effects that really blew me away was Douglas Trumbull’s mother ship coming over the Devil Tower’s in “Close Encounters.” You could really FEEL the size of the thing as it passed over in silence, except for one guy quietly saying, “Oh, my God.”

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