Petula Clark on The Muppet Show

I remember watching a PET-icular Muppet Show at Bismo’s house, way back in 1977 when he was still living with his parents. It starred Petula Clark, and little did I know at the time that Bismo’s dad is also a Pet fan. One of the CD’s I had Pet sign on Sunday is for him. (Yes, Jean, there’s one for you, too!)

I was going to post these as a custom YouTube player, but whomever posted the show prevented embedding, so I downloaded them.

[flv:/Video/2008/MAY/PetMuppet1.flv 400 300]

[flv:/Video/2008/MAY/PetMuppet2.flv 400 300]

[flv:/Video/2008/MAY/PetMuppet3.flv 400 300]

5 thoughts on “Petula Clark on The Muppet Show”

  1. I should state, I DO remember that horrific remark of Doug’s and long and hard I laughed, but Doug was ALWAYS making me laugh.

  2. But my husband has! My number one criteria for a great spouse is having a great and warped sense of humor. Best of all, Tom “gets” my weird jokes, MOST of the time. I can’t even put his originals here, or the subject of the joke (usually a politico or celebrity). I wouldn’t dare! Don’t worry, it’s nobody we like! He’s made me laff so hard so times. Sadly, we’ve had to curtail the sick humor once Molly turned about one year old, as it was obvious she could really understand us!My favorite of Tom’s is still his X-rated version of the theme to “Petticoat Junction.” He used to sing it at the top of his lungs, and on key! It was his hat trick to pull me out of a funk, and it always worked. Now he just starts humming it, and I’m gone!

  3. I’ll get off-topic, because Jean comments on the song “Tomorrow,” from the Broadway show Annie.

    Diane Linkletter, daughter of Art Linkletter, of “House Party” and “Kid’s Say The Darndest Things” fame, committed suicide in 1969. It was reported she was high on LSD, and Jean and I were watching TV when we heard the news. My immediate comment was, “Drugs Do the Darndest Things.” Jean laughed the loudest I can recall her ever laughing.

    In 1982, the movie version of Annie came out, and about that time the actor Vic Morrow was killed on the set of the Twilight Zone movie, when a helicopter blade decapitated him. I was with D.F. Rogers when we heard that news, and to the tune of “Tomorrow” I spontaneously sang, “Vic Morrow, Vic Morrow, don’t lose your head Vic Morrow… Vic Morrow’s just a head awaaaaaaaaay!”

    In all these years I don’t think I’ve ever topped those two inspirations for sheer bad taste.

  4. As you probably know, “The Muppet Show,” was produced in England, and this allowed a bevy of great British co-stars. I remember a funny one with Roger Moore as 007, kicking evil spy muppets around and shooting them. The puns are hilarious, and I was always delighted when they cut to the crabby old men in the theatre box! Since it ran in sydication, it was hard to find it sometimes. I believe it was one of those shows like the Simpsons that had big-name stars waiting in line to get on!

  5. “Tomorrow” is one of those songs you hate, no matter who sings it … until NOW! Do you remember that “The Muppet Show” was produced in London? It was great fun, and full of dumb jokes and puns, as are plentiful here. The Chocolate Moose bit was cute.

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