For Bester Or Worster

I admire the work of cartoonist Lynn Johnston. Months ago she promised a resolution in For Better or for Worse to Elizabeth’s romances. But now that Lynn seems to finally be wrapping it up, doesn’t it seem a bit too much like a typical school girl romantic fantasy, where she has so many options? Elizabeth is engaged to a boring, stable guy, yet there’s a less responsible, but more exciting, guy she can hang onto as an option.

One thought on “For Bester Or Worster”

  1. Perhaps you haven’t been following the story as closely as Marianne and I have been the last few months. About three months ago, Warren showed up drunk at Elizabeth’s apartment in the wee hours and all but threw herself at her. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and we were worried the “near-rape” thing would happen again to our dear Elizabeth. She finally paid for a taxi. He’s just tying up loose ends. Yes, it sort of pissed us off, too. I have always maintained that Anthony is sort of wishy-washy. However, they both agreed to take it slow and Elizabeth has a good relationship with little Francois. But yeah, Liz did go for the bad boys. Eric was abusive, Paul cheated on her, etc. etc. Hey! I’ve been there, too. WAIT! You mean these people AREN’T REAL?!?!?

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