It’s Easy To Forget

I’m a fan of the work of Dennis Potter. The thought has occurred to me that perhaps J.K. Rowling named Harry in his honor. He’s the sort of writer I suspect she would appreciate. If you don’t know who I’m talking about — and I’m sure Brian Sibley does — please look him up now.

When I hear this song I think of Dennis Potter, and if you don’t like what you’re about to hear, don’t tell me, because I think this is wonderful. It’s sometimes easy to forget what made certain performers from long ago great. Here’s Bing Crosby at his best.


One thought on “It’s Easy To Forget”

  1. Good Lord, I thought I knew you better than this, Dougie! You, too have an incredibly wide range of musical tastes. Yesterday in the mall, I heard a really cool new song at the mall that caught my interest but Molly couldn’t remember the name of the band! It had a totally different, unique sound to it. It had a synchopated backbeat that was very impressive for a bunch of young kids.

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