
Diane Greene kicked out of VMWare! This is big news. I’d known about the tension between her and Tucci, CEO of EMC, majority owner of VMware, but this came out of nowhere. It will be interesting to find out what’s really been going on behind the scenes.

2 thoughts on “VMnoware”

  1. VMware is the hot thing right now. We’re using it at work for test and demo systems, and it really does work. But Microsoft has a new thing coming out intended to compete with it, and that might put a damper on VMware’s growth while everybody waits to see if it’s any good.

    My opinion is that if Michael Dell is serious about competing in enterprise computing, he should buy EMC. That would give him not only storage systems under his own name, but his competitors would have to deal with him to get VMware. If, however, Microsoft’s Hyper-V feature really works, VMware’s value would, like Novell Netware a decade ago, disappear.

  2. Since you know about this stuff, I assume this is very bad news. I’m no expert of economics, but it’s pretty obvious that things are falling apart at an alarming rate.

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