Maytag Doesn’t Suck After All

It’s always something. Our washing machine has suddenly started to leak. I was hoping it was one of the hoses, but when I popped open the back I could see it’s leaking where the transmission couples with the tub. It’s only seven years old. So much for Maytag reliability! But at least it picked a good time to die. This weekend there’s no sales tax in Massachusetts. See you at Sears.

And oh, by the way, we still don’t have our replacement Bose Wave. It’s in transit from Arizona, and according to the UPS tracking number will be here mid-week.

2023 Update: The replacement Bose Wave is still working well, as are the Maytag washer and dryer that were purchased when this blog post was written.

3 thoughts on “Maytag Doesn’t Suck After All”

  1. Gotta love the new and timely ad for Maytag with the repairman working on a voting machine and finding mutilated ballots. Then, “Here we go again!” from the voting official. All I can say is get those bugs out of the system! We don’t need 3 blown elections in a row!

  2. The Zojirushi bread maker is still working great after seven years. The Bose Wave I bought against my informed judgment, but I live in Bose country, a friend works there so we got it at a discount, and it fit the space perfectly, so I took a chance.

  3. When I scrolled down and read this post’s title I started laughing-until I read the post! That’s bad for it only being 7. Ours is 9, and OK, but I won’t say any more or I’ll likely jinx it! Geez, the radio, the car, now this. Bad luck?-I think you’ve had more than enough! Hopefully that’s it and no more!

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