Meet Joe Motocross

Meet Joe Motocross

Monte Schulz pointed out here on DogRat last year, that his brother Craig — and only Craig — was a dirt bike rider. Once again I refer you to the Coffee Lane portion of the documentary “Good Ol’ Charles Schulz,” where you can see both Craig and Monte.

Craig has an article in the October ’08 Racer X Illustrated, and he tells about riding dirt bikes.

The sound would travel for miles, and like a mating call, it would summon my buddies to head on over to my place to practice. My parents must have received plenty of phone calls, but I never heard of any complaints.

I’m struck by the fact there is something of a similarity in the contrast between Monte and his brother Craig, and me with my brother Jeff, who also rode dirt bikes. This picture of Craig could almost be one of my brother from that same period of time. Maybe I can get him to send one so you can see what I mean.

Craig Schulz

3 thoughts on “Meet Joe Motocross”

  1. Doug, Molly was running late this morning, so I had to drive her into school. Gracie needed dog food, so I ran on into Wally World. I ended up browsing the magazine section, and there was the issue of “Racer X Illustrated!” Actually, I was looking for any special publications on Molly’s new heartthrob, Michael Phelps, but there were none.

    Monte, where are ya, buddy?

  2. I should also mention that dirt bikes, and more specifically, four-wheelers, are very popular here. My stepsons and their friends were no exception. There is a large shale bank behind the ridge, where three generations of residents have taken their dirt bikes and four wheelers for wild spins. Tom himself nearly ripped off his right heel in an accident with his late son Tommy nearly 20 years ago. He has a scar there to this day. The noise is not as romantic as a “mating call,” as it carries up the ridge and is very annoying. It is more like amplified chain saws and angry wasps! LOL. Over the years, I’ve learned to tune it out.

  3. You’re right, Doug, he’s almost a carbon copy of Jeff from back then. Eerie. By coincidence, I’ve been writing back and forth to Jeff’s wife the past few days, catching up. They have a great boat, a cabin cruiser, that Jeff absolutely loves! I’m not great on sailing, myself, as I get seasick. My husband Tom is now keen to go down there, as Jeff also loves to fish and kayak.

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