Labor Day Par-tay

The new washer and dryer are in, the replacement Bose Wave is on the porch and, so far, working. It’s the long weekend, and I intend to enjoy it.

4 thoughts on “Labor Day Par-tay”

  1. Joan, you would have loved it: hillibilly heaven! and yes, the beer flowed. The cops even showed up! Nobody got arrested, though; we were told they always cruise by the waterfront on Saturday nights. I never saw so many obese kids in my life. That part was sad. I actually got up and danced! There must have been 250 people there and so much food. I did pig out. Out of all the junk, there was only one lonely vegetable platter. Almost all the hot food was covered in sauerkraut, but that’s central PA for ya. 😉 The best part was watching my husband jouncing his 10-month-old grandson on his knee in time to the music.

  2. Jean, I’m jealous! You guys mid-state are a wild bunch! I’m a former beer drinker-it gives me headaches-in fact I avoid all alcohol for that reason. But I love the name of the occasion! And potato salad sounds good anytime! Enjoy yurself Kiddo!

  3. Wash clothes till ya drop, Dougie! Jest kidding. We have plans. We’re going to a big Trailer Trash Labor Day party down at our campsite on the Juniata River tonight. It’s hosted by “Junior” Dobson and “Swanky,” two old friends of Tom’s. There will be a live country band, and tons of horrifically bad junk food. I made vats of my really good potato salad, and Molly made FIVE cakes! I’m sure with all the noise and beer drinking, I won’t last long (I don’t drink). I’ll be sticking to Molly like glue, making sure the white trash creeps aren’t sniffing around her.

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