Backing in

I’m at work today for a few hours, giving my chair a trial. Seems to be OK, although I’m making a point of sitting a lot straighter than I used to.

I’m having a lumbar MRI done this evening. I’m told that if the condition isn’t serious it may not be conclusive about exactly what’s wrong, which I guess is sort of good.

I can now appreciate why some desperate souls might actually look at spam mail with subjects like “PAIN KILLERS.” Percocet really works. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed in the morning.

6 thoughts on “Backing in”

  1. Thanks for your concern, Joan. Sorry you had to go everything you did ten years ago, and I’m hoping you’re now fully recovered. I can sympathize with you about the pain! I didn’t hesitate to rate it a ten when asked about it this week.

    I’m trying to avoid thinking about the possible need for surgery. I have to wait for the MRI films to be analyzed, of course, but I’m beginning to suspect an underlying problem goes back to my ankle injury of two years ago, which began in ’02 with a sprain sustained in a car wreck. All of this may have contributed to aggravating a back injury from when I was all of seventeen, and moving filing cabinets around one summer.

  2. Wow, at least you don’t need a root canal Jean, so that’s good! And Doug, is the pain you have mostly in the back or do you have leg pain too? When I had the disc problem both times I had bad back pain and stiffness for a week but horrible burning and pain in the sciatic nerve is what had me bedridden and in 1997 even Oxycontin and percocet did nothing. The nerve was wrapped in disc tissue and my neurosurgeon had to go in and clear that all off. EWW! Good lucl and I’ll be waiting to hear your test result!

  3. As they say, laughter is the best medicine, and my prescription is: and Ed Wood movie! Oh, you ARE going to watch one! Excellent choice, Dougie! Then, of course, you can use that old chestnut: “It only hurts when I laugh!”

    Of course, I know you are NOT drinking or driving with the Percocets.That is a very modest dose. What most media hysterics don’t tell you is that there is more danger in the high amounts of Tylenol in Vicodin and Percocet. A lot of drug addicts succumb to a shot liver long before the opiates get them. I’m so hyper vigilant about drugs in general. I now take Tylnenol 3 for migraines (and now this miserable toothache), and even THAT makes me woozy. I refuse to drive after taking it. The dentist wanted to see me right away, but I said no, as I had just taken one.

    Oh! The news is: I have a fractured tooth, but it is not absessed and won’t need a root canal! YAY! The dentist wants to “wait and see.” Great. Actually, my regular dentist is on vacation, and I think the guy just doesn’t want to mess with it. “Big crack,” he mused. “Must hurt like hell!” I’ve been put on a soft diet until next week. There go my healthy raw crudites!

  4. I take one Perocet twice each day, eight hours apart. It makes me feel woozy for an hour after it kicks in, and I’ve been neither driving nor drinking at all. The MRI did not include an injected dye.

    I’m doing much better today, although I can still feel where the problem is, and I’m moving very slowly to avoid aggravating it. “Plan 9 From Outer Space” is on TCM today at 2 ET (one hour from right now) and watching that will be the most ambitious thing I have planned this afternoon.

  5. Percocet is pretty strong stuff. Of course, you know not to drink beer with it (and not to woo beer heiresses while on it, har de har). “Use caution when driving,” etc., etc. Yes, Joan, I would insist on the contrast dye because it shows a lot more. Anyway, I’m happy that the prelims look good. Remember, you are in good health to begin with, and that will work in your favor. I just saw Bill Gates on TV again the other night and STILL can’t believe he hasn’t yet turned 53, he looks 73!

  6. Hi Doug! Good luck with the tests! They may decide to do an MRI with contrast where they inject iodine in to see certain contrasting features, or may also do a CAT scan depending on what the MRI shows. I’m hoping for the best for you! 🙂

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