Back waiting with debated breath

Got back a while ago from my back’s MRI. Films won’t be read until Monday. I can’t keep up with everybody’s comments, other than to approve them, because I’m about to plop myself down in front of MSNBC and wait for the debate to start.

3 thoughts on “Back waiting with debated breath”

  1. Yeah, Doug, I know! I wondered about that!

    Unfortunately for the Republicans, Sarah Palin is coming across as pretty much an airhead. To the point where I suspect that she was picked simply because she’s a woman, in order to woo the disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters. As if ANY woman would do. As a woman myself, I find that sexist and insulting to my intelligence!

    How could they have picked a woman who says that she has foreign policy experience with Russia, simply because it is a trading partner with Alaska?

    Who exactly carries out all this trading with Russia? Sarah Palin? Of course not!. The hands-on work is done by the importers and exporters. She’s not all that much involved. Could you imagine pointing to this as a qualification, in any normal job interview? Just because trade with Russia happens on her watch as Governor, is a little like saying that because I like to go to the airport a lot just to watch big commercial jetliners take off and land, that I could actually fly one of them.

  2. I think it’s such a hoot that the very same Republicans who I would have expected to say that Sarah Palin should not work, but instead put her family first and deal with her Down child and pregnant daughter, tried to make it seem as though the Democrats were being sexist. What a joke! We’re just pointing out how the GOP has been forced into defending a position long held by liberals.

  3. And what a debate! I say Obama aced it. McCain came off looking like a pompous you-know-what. Also, Sarah Palin is being sheltered by her camp, have you noticed? She’s been pathetic in all her interviews, so she no longer grants them. Biden will blow her out of the water. She’s a goner.

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