Oxi Fresh, Baby

The local paper had an item about the economy tanking, with a one-man carpet cleaning operation cited as an example. By coincidence a postcard came in the mail for a carpet cleaning franchise called OxiFresh.

OxiFresh postcard

Carol was really amused by this, and she had the following observations, which I admit didn’t occur to me.

  1. The woman is 40-ish
  2. The woman looks pregnant.
  3. The baby is under a year old.
  4. The baby appears to be gigantic.

Taking the techie point of view, I’m assuming Photoshop was used. One has to wonder who approved the picture. A pregnant 40-year-old woman whose baby is only crawling age?

2 thoughts on “Oxi Fresh, Baby”

  1. Wee-ell, 2 observations: 1) If you took the picture literally, wouldn’t you wonder what chemicals were in Oxi-Fresh that made the baby so large? And 2) Could her fertile condition be the result of the friendly Oxi-Fresh man doing an annual visit and carpet cleaning? It does seem to be an odd choice of picture to use.

  2. Ha! Great observations, Carol! James Lileks has built a career out of making such observations about the vast amount of ads, matchbooks, motel postcards, and other cultural icons of American history, past and present.

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