Obama youth group ‘threat’ is BS

OK, let’s get this over and done with. It seems some stupid middle school teacher in Missouri, whose name has not yet been revealed, organized a sort of youth support group for Obama back in May. And now video of black boys marching and reciting in paramilitary style, claiming inspiration from Obama, has shown up on YouTube.

McCain supporters are, of course, implying that this pseudo-fascist youth group is not only officially sanctioned by Obama, it evokes memories of the Black Panther party in the sixties and hints at the horrors to come under Barack’s regime. Reports indicate that these boys attend some sort of charter school, and the teacher who was inspired to direct this insipid display has been suspended.

Can we please get a grip here, people? We don’t have the whole story yet, but we know Obama had nothing to do with this, other than being a role model in the eyes of some middle school teacher. Are you really scared of a bunch of black kids chanting “yes we can” about career goals, like the old “I am somebody” campaign of Jesse Jackson?

3 thoughts on “Obama youth group ‘threat’ is BS”

  1. This evening I saw for the first time a Barry ad featuring his WHITE mother and WHITE grandfather. Molly claims he’s featured them before, but Tom and I couldn’t remember seeing any! Naturally, they push the fact that “Pap” was a WWII veteran.

  2. Boy, Bill Cosby would have a few choice words for this group, especially the teacher. His big gripe has been that the blacks of this country have got to stop blaming the whites for their problems and get their asses in gear on their own. Obama has NOTHING to do with it! They should be doing these self-affirmations with NO mention of Obama. I’m glad the teacher got suspended.

  3. The true hatred some people feel against people of other races is now coming out and some are showing they have no conscience at all. It’s an ugly thing but it will show who is truly tolerant of others, and who are those hypocritical, fearful of people not exactly like themselves in appearance, and having more hatred in their hearts and minds than their peers and acquaintances ever knew. I have a feeling with this election year some people are going to be surprised and shocked by the intolerance of some of the friends and neighbors they thought they knew so well. Remember, the Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, the Holocaust, September 11, 2001, and of course Jesus’ own crucifixion were caused by people who took their hatred and intolerance out on people not like themselves in thought and/or appearance. I think it is an exciting time for most people, but with one candidate being a different race than those who ran before, it is time to work out the nature and cause of intolerance .

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