PT cruiser

Are you scared yet, or still merely worried, about the economy? The effects of the stock market collapse, credit crunch and mortgage meltdown are everywhere. The only upside is gas prices are down.

The good news for myself is that I’m in physical therapy for the meltdown of my back, and although I still have some tightness, I’m completely free of pain. I went for a 2-mile walk with Carol today, then I ran two miles. Three weeks ago I couldn’t get out of bed or take a step, and now I feel as though nothing was ever wrong!

But I can’t go back to what I was doing, which was some light stretching before heading out the door to bang out ten miles on the pavement. My PT is teaching me how to strengthen my lower back, while getting a good warm up for running in the process.

8 thoughts on “PT cruiser”

  1. Very clever, intelligent and honorable niece! 😉 and Joan, actually, I’m feeling a lot better, and have lost all the weight back again! yet, the Achilles tendon still nags, nags, nags … it wakes me up at night, as does the lingering right shoulder. I have little exercises I can do right in the bed that quiet them right down. PLUS a lovely electric blanket that I turn on just to get warm enough to make me drowsy again, then I snap it off.

  2. Here comes the new and improved Doug! Sorry you had to go through all the hell you did, but, it seems like there will be a silver lining for you, at least! Now you will be in better shape than ever, and know how to significantly lessen the chances of a future back injury.

    As for the economy, it seems to me like we lack transparency as to the details of how things are going to get fixed in the U.S.A. By contrast, the more aggressive actions of overseas governments seems to have encouraged the markets abroad.

    Why is this the case? I think that here, in the U.S.A., we have elevated laissez faire capitalism to an idol-like status. Anything short of that in America raises a knee-jerk accusation of “Socialism!” from Wall Street and many Republicans.

    I find this both interesting and tragic: there are people who will tolerate the very serious PRACTICAL problem of this economic crisis of global proportions, in order to protect their THEORY of free market enterprise – DESPITE the excessive greed, manipulation of oil prices, and deceptions in the economy that rip off investors.

    Our current laws aren’t protecting us sufficiently, and new legislation isn’t going to do the trick, either. After all these years since Enron blew up, are we really any safer from the same kind of lies? The system is broken through outrageous abuse, and needs a major overhaul, not Band-Aid fixes.

    Boomers are not heading into a very pretty picture. Our 401K plans are being ravaged. Sure, we can “work longer” beyond our projected retirement date…for awhile. But as companies start hiring younger workers for less money and possibly less benefits, boomers may find themselves replaced. More boomers may instead have to be asking “Do you want fries with that?” or “Welcome to Walmart.” Social Security has been raided of its funds for decades, so we can’t count very much on that, either.

    Do we really think we can fix a serious, deep problem of these proportions, simply by slapping a few new laws in place? Again: The system is broken through outrageous abuse, and it needs a major overhaul, not Band-Aid fixes.

  3. On the economy, it’d certainly be amusing to see the G7 leaders sing translated K3 songs. Since according to Wiki there’s been quite a few groups made to do just that, usually all involving some form of “number + letter” name.

  4. VERY happy to hear you are getting back to normal after having your back popped into place. They are always harping on “core strength” in our Taekwondo classes, too, as a way to protect your back.

    The economy? Scared, at this point. Seems to me that everybody is expecting a major economic depression, like in the 1930s. Certainly sounds like we (the proverbial we) have set ourselves up for it. But even if we hadn’t, how much influence does the fact that everyone EXPECTS it have, at this point? Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? That’s not rhetorical. I’m asking, since you do have a degree in economics. As a geology major, I didn’t study anything like this.

  5. Not mean as in gangsta style, but mean as in kicking pain in the a__! And poor Jean! Sounds like we’re all growing old and falling apart together, but we can reverse that! 🙂 Can you say “Yeah?!!”…”YEAH!”. You Betcha!!!

  6. Doug, it’s so good to read what you wrote and to know that you’re back to short-distance running and learning to get the back stronger. You’ll be a lean, mean Dograt running machine with a back as strong as a brick poohouse!

  7. Every great journey starts with a small step, or whatever! As far as the markets, I’m still recovering from Tom SCREAMING at his computer monitor last Friday morning as the Dow went into free fall after the opening bell! It’s scary watching somebody who is normally cool, calm and collected act totally out of character like that! The big mistake he’s been making is spending a lot over the past few months, figuring he’ll be losing it all, anyway. Since March, we’ve gotten a new mini-van, a new used pick-up truck, a pre-fab shed, a car port, and then there was that big trip to Bradenton, FL in April. Well, that was work-related, but it was cool standing mere yardst from Stephen King’s winter home, and that part wasn’t even planned!

    Glad you’re up and running again, Dougie! Now if I can only get back into the groove. I had regained some of my weight, and have lost half of it again. My achilles tendon is screaming at me, so I can’t put off getting it looked at, I’m afraid. Dammit! My legs, ankles and feet NEVER gave me problems before!

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