One thought on “Happy Birthday, Petula Clark!”

  1. My brain is mush lately, so in case I already told you, please forgive me! I finished the Julie Andrews autobiography. It is clearly Part One, as it ends with Julie, her husband Tony Walton, and baby daughter Emma flying to the States to start filming “Mary Poppins.” And … not ONE mention of Pet! The Brits did do a screen test on Julie, and she was “awful,” in her own words, and very glad she did poorly. They also tried calling her “England’s sweetheart,” but by then, Pet already had the moniker, and I think the Brits didn’t cotton to the idea of their Pet being usurped by a thin, flat-chested little girl with pigtails. They made her sing the same song (“La Polonaise”) over and over each night, so she never got to show her true abilities on the London stage till many years later.

    Happy Birthday, Petula! STILL waiting for my CD, which I assume “Father Christmas” will deliver to my door, or rather “Twinster Christmas” will put in the post! 😉

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