My Deployed Wife

We were lucky this past Thursday when an ice storm missed us, but not very far from here, in Central Massachusetts, conditions are very bad. Entire towns are without power, and some won’t have it back until mid-week.

Carol is a volunteer with the Medical Reserve Corps. Today she’s at a middle school in Worcester, helping the families that have taken shelter there. Carol called a minute ago and said that while driving there it was almost as if there were a line along the road, where all of a sudden trees were down everywhere. Doctors and nurses are the core of the corps, but Carol is a nutritionist, and this morning on her way out at 6:30 she joked that she’d put everybody on a diet.

13 thoughts on “My Deployed Wife”

  1. Hi! Don’t get me wrong-I love meteorologists. Had I the smarts I wanted to be one. We do now have a little snow to look at and apparently it will be around a while since in the next stage of precip. tonight we’re to get frozen rain on top instead of plain rain. I still want a big all-snow event. When I become a big-time writer I’ll buy a home in the mountains in Vermont and have a heliport for emergencies and a Subaru Outback so my cats and I can stock up in summer and spend a snowy winter secluded and comfy! 🙂

  2. “Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! HELL is where bad meteorologists should go! Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! Cause we’re now to get the same old crap and not much snow. Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho!”. What other job can allow people to do so much guessing, even with expensive, sophisticated instruments and still allow you to keep your job? At the time of my previous comments we were to get 4″-7″ and even 5″-9″ of ALL SNOW with a pinch of sleet. Now it’s an advisory for 1″-2″ of snow, then freezing rain and guess what? Plain old rain! Some winter, huh? I feel sorry for our local Spring Mountain Ski Area.

  3. “Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! We’re FINALLY gonna get some snow! And I don’t mind having to shove-l it! Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho!”. I am so glad it’s not an all freezing rain, freezing rain/rain or the dreaded all rain forecast. Now yesterday they did have a wintry mix forecast for a bit, then they lowered Saturday’s high temp. They say 2-4″ for us and this is our first real snow of the season. Jean, your friendship with Paula sounds like mine with my friend June and started around the same age.

  4. Joan, we got freezing rain redux starting on Tuesday the second, which prompted an early dismissal. The kids got Wednesday off. Now Accu-Weather says all of us from the Midwest to the New England shore are getting slammed with SNOW starting today. We’re getting 3-6 inches starting tonight. FUN!

    I finally got a Christmas card from my dear old friend Paula in MA, just YESTERDAY! She said the last ice storm knocked them out for over a WEEK and they barely got to have Christmas. The GOOD news is her daughter, now 30, is finally getting married in June. She has two kids by this guy; it’s about time. 😉 Paula and I have known each other since we were 13, the same age my daughter is now!

  5. Hi All! Right now we’re getting freezing rain in a repeat of that December 19th storm. I don’t think these technology-loaded weather forecasters are as much a boon as they are a bust. Our forecast has been changed at least 4 or 5 times since Friday. If you’re trying to plan anything it sucks. It’s the same old “All snow…no-snow/sleet/freezing rain/rain…no-all freezing rain…no-freezing rain/rain” deals BS! It supposedly is to be cold enough to give us a little snow Sat. and Sun. HAH! No rain? Yeah, right! I’d love a nice quiet snow with none of this other junk and it can rain the other 3 seasons of the year! I think I’ll move to Alaska!

  6. I’ve kept the days of the week for Christmas and New Year’s anchored firmly in my mind because I always take off the week in between. This year I’m pushing my luck by taking the day after New Year’s too, giving me a lot of days off. Don’t know if that means I’ll be doing more blogging or not. I have a lot to get done around the house. One thing I’m working on is my “Nurse Chapel” tribute.

  7. Hi! Merry Christmas! Is anyone like me and having a hard time keeping their days straight with the holidays being in the middle of the week? Trying to keep track of the storms is bad enough! We just missed having alot of rain this afternoon because it went to the north and west of here. It cleared away the driveway and sidewalk ice but we have no snow either…boo! HISS! It doesn’t seem as much like Christmas without snow and on Sat. it could go up to 60 degrees here. YUCK!

  8. We were told to expect a foot of snow today, and we got it. I made one pass at the driveway this evening, and I’ll undoubtedly have to do another in the morning. I don’t know about Jean, who’s hundreds of miles from here, further west in Penn. than you are.

  9. Hi! I don’t think we can buy a snowflake here in Mont.Co., PA. We got frozen rain for a bit then plain old stinking cold rain. Even the National Weather Service stinks at our forecast. Yesterday it was “No rain, snow 3-5″, snow 2-4″, Winter Weather Advisory for snow/ sleet/freezing rain.”. THEN as it was a cold rain SANS sleet and freezing rain AND obviously no snow coming down today, they order a Winter Weather Warning for snow. By that time the bottom third of PA was all rain. I swear the NWS meteorologists are celebrating early and smoking mistletoe! Doug and Jeanie, if you got mostly snow you must be living right! We can get snow Sat. night, but not much, but likely it will all be lost due to more rain. Holy crap! I definitely need to move!

  10. Hi All! Oy! Here we go again! This time here in Mont. Co., PA we’re to get mostly freezing rain, according to the Weather Channel, even though our Winter Weather Advisory claims also 3″-5″ of snow and the Nat’l Weather Service forecast says 2″-4″ plus sleet and freezing rain. So we’re going to be slip sliding away with or without snow. Doug I heard near Boston you guys can get a sizeable snowfall and Jeanie I guess you guys have a Winter Storm Warning now. Yes, I want snow but the ice, no! We’ll see. Yesterday they changed our forecast at least 3 times!

  11. Hi Doug! That ice storm really did a number on New England and now the poor guys that had the ice are going to go thru the melt-freeze-ice storm-melt cycle. We had a 62 degree high today and are to get rain/snow/sleet Tues. & Wed., and then rain again. I HATE THIS CRAP! I don’t know why we can’t just have a nice quiet little snow and not this up and down temperature junk.

  12. Doug! A lot of the news wires were mentioning shelters in North Andover, and you didn’t post last night, so I was worried! Thank goodness. Have you talked to Marianne? I may give her a call. That sounds like Carol, alright! If she came down HERE during a crisis, she WOULD want to put everybody on a diet. Talk about fat; I’d say at least 58% of the local population is obese!

    And, speaking of power outages, Molly and I went to see the new “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” and came away feeling gypped. Keanu Reeves was TOO wooden, and while they strived to keep some elements of the original in the plot (GORT is now a 50-foot giant), it just didn’t ring true. It isn’t clear how the “major suffering” Klaatu leaves the planet at the end of the movie is reversable or not. I give it a C+, only because the first 15 minutes were ripping good.

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