A Cold, Cold ‘Coldbert’ Christmas

Amazon.com was sold out of A Colbert Christmas — The Greatest Gift of All!, so my thanks go to D.F. Rogers for procuring me a copy at a competitive price. The back of the case alone is worth the price.

A Colbert Christmas

Inexpensive, with a charity benefiting, and offbeat guffaws served up by Stephen Colbert with his guests — including two I’ve never heard of before — this is the best 2008 Christmas video ever! A not-to-miss extra is Stephen singing his instant classic, “Cold, Cold Christmas.” Here’s the audio, minus the video.


8 thoughts on “A Cold, Cold ‘Coldbert’ Christmas”

  1. D’oh! I never use the “F” buttons, just the toolbar. “Refresh” I understand. Works great now. Say, is that Stevie playing the guitar?

  2. F5 is the refresh key. It loads a new copy of the page. The link is definitely correct.

    There are a couple of comments right now about the radio show I posted last year. Click on one of those and see if that player works.

  3. Is one of them supposed to be more ‘country’ than the other? I think the other one might be from England or somewhere like that. It’s going to take me a while to figure them out.

  4. Yeah, I’d never heard of Elvis Costello and Willie Nelson either. I checked them out on Amazon and they both have quite a few cd’s available! Although obscure, they both seem to have been quite prolific over the past few decades. Probably worth getting a cd or two, since they have the Colbert stamp of approval. Any suggestions?

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