The Zebra President

As I predicted, back on Inauguration Day, Trump is being impeached.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Impeachment charges against President Donald Trump went to the full House on Friday, following approval by the House Judiciary Committee.

The House is expected to take up the two articles of impeachment next week.

Republicans say that Democrats have wanted Trump impeached since election day, but the real problem is a zebra can’t change its strips. Or, in this context, Donald can’t help being Donald, making impeachment inevitable.

Only a month into his Presidency, Trump said, “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” By itself, that one statement was proof he wasn’t competent to hold office; but it’s corruption, not incompetence, that leads to impeachment.

Trump’s abuse of power has been clearly established in the House. Republicans in the Senate won’t convict him, but I suspect it will be to their everlasting shame, once the full extent of Trump’s toxic presidency is revealed.

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