Goodbye, Ron Nasty

Neil Innes has died. I’m shattered by this terrible news and will write more later.

The cartoon below features Neil performing a Beatles song, and doing it straight, for an HP computer commercial in England. A tip o’ the Dog Rat toupee to J.J. Sedelmaier for this. He’s the animator who collaborated with Stephen Colbert on the Ambiguously Gay Duo cartoons, among other TV Funhouse features for Saturday Night Live.

One thought on “Goodbye, Ron Nasty”

  1. So sad that he’s gone. Great cover! He sounds like Paul. I did not know he worked on Colbert with the screamingly funny Duo and other Saturday TV Funhouse shorts. Every year, I love to watch the spot-on Phil Spectre parody with the great Darlene Live singing “Christmastime For the Jews!”

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