4 thoughts on “Peter Tork has cancer”

  1. NO! One of those news items that slaps me upside the head and makes me burst into tears. Yes, the good news is the prognosis IS so good. Hopefully, he won’t be rendered totally mute like Roger Ebert, who had a salivary gland cancer; different, of course, but affects the same general neighborhood. He’s basically lost the bottom half of his face.

    Here’s a typical mindless bit from an episode entitled “98-Pound Weaking,” which features Peter quite a bit. Davy is not acting like himself, I might add. Hmm … What a silly show, but we loved it! Really, for us girls, it was the boyz being cute and the flat-out (mostly) good music. I feel they gave Mickey Dolenz far too much mike time, though. Peter’s voice wasn’t stellar, but gentle and pleasant.

  2. I’m surprised that Tork is 67. My recollection is that when the Monkees appeared in ’66 his age was given as 20. They wouldn’t have fibbed about that, would they…? 😉

    But yes, let’s hope the surgery was successful and they didn’t have to cut too much. Peter had minimal mass to start with!

  3. Doug,
    Yes…Peter Tork has a very rare form of cancer but according to Peter, it’s highly curable. I hope he has a full recovery!…Paul

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