The Beatles sell out

I had jury duty today but I’m not on a trial, and good thing, because the judge estimated it will last into next week. So that means I’ll be able to check out the 9.9.9 Beatles display at Best Buy. With both the mono and stereo box sets sold out from, I wonder how many, if any, will be available retail? Maybe all I’ll find in the store are individual stereo titles. Denro thinks the sets will be grabbed (some by store employees) and put on eBay, just like the first Nintendo Wii consoles were.

From the official Beatles web site I grabbed this excerpt of the mini-documentary for “Beatles for Sale.”

[flv: 480 360]

Also glommed from the same place is this great snippet from their always fave appearance at the then-new, but now-demolished, Shea Stadium. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you who the guy with the glasses was, who came to a tragic end.

[flv: 480 360]

Let’s hear some more of the Beatles live, from something that Capitol should release on CD in a greatly expanded version from the original LP…


7 thoughts on “The Beatles sell out”

  1. I just checked my order status and my MONO Box Set is on it’s way from Barnes and Noble. Unlike Amazon, I guess they actually ship it on the release date. Amazon usually does a good job of having it arrive on the release date. But I won’t complain, because Amazon was out of the MONO set when I went to order in mid-August – so my fallback plan worked! Nine of the Top Ten selling cds on Amazon are Beatles cds – the two box sets are #1 and #2 – and nobody died! Long live the Beatles!

  2. Actually, no frustration at all. If I were dead set on getting the sets immediately, I would have ordered them as soon as they were announced. As Denro can attest, the fannish impulse to buy without hesitation left me long ago. I’d like to wait until Christmas.

    At the moment I’m wondering if the new sets will knock prices down on Ebay for the Beatles LP set that Mobile Fidelity put out in 1981. The Beatles purchase that’s actually foremost on my mind right now is buying another copy of Kehew and Ryan’s “RTB: Recording the Beatles.” I’d rather not put wear and tear on the copy I have, now that it’s autographed.

  3. A! I get it: β€œ9.9.9!” Very funny. Maybe this will make you feel better:

    Ach du lieber, Dougie! I sense frustration in your post. And who can blame you? It’s like being a kid on Christmas Eve for millions of boomers out there. Well, I knew YOU didn’t have them, but wasn’t sure about Dennis. As expected, You Tube is flood with “leaked” copies of remastered songs. Most commenters say “Hey, this is from the “Love” album or some other source, and are not impressed.

    I, on the other hand, was savvy enough to ask for a $50 gift certificate from Tom for my birthday, so I can at LEAST get one of the better albums like “Revolver,” or the White Album. Oh, and I’m glad you didn’t get stuck in the jury box.

  4. Why, that’s big, lovable teddy bear Mal Evans, who met his doom when trigger-happy San Francisco Los Angeles cops came in response to a domestic disturbance call from his girlfriend. He was just a little drunk, as any of his good friends, including the Beatles, could tell you. They shot before asking any questions. The boys were devastated.

    I can just GUESS what you’re going to pun us with tomorrow for your log entry. HINT: it’s a Paul song from 1967 from a major “concept album.”

    Those comments by the Evanston guys just whetted my appetite for more! No doubt Denro already has the remastered discs in his hot little hands and has heard the good, the bad and the ugly of it all! Will he be allowed to post any of the stuff here?

    One final comment: I went in for upper and lower GIs today, and all the cool radiologist could talk about (he said he was 55) was … the new Beatles releases and game coming out today! He and couldn’t stop talking! He says his are on their way from Amazon, and he can’t wait to get home. Oh, it looks like my appendix may have to come out. But that’s another story. This guy really knew his Beatles!

  5. Wow. The Shea picture is so clear and clean. The sound from the jets taking off at JFK all but drowns out the Beatles, though. πŸ˜‰ What a sound! Paul got a nostalgic taste of it again at Fenway this summer. But there ain’t nothing like the real thing!

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