Chameleon Actor

Stephen Colbert chatted with Robert Duvall recently. Colbert asked Duvall about working with Brando, which is where this clip comes in.

A very different interview with Duvall would focus on his Science Fiction work, including THX-1138.

Years before THX-1138, Duvall appeared in The Twilight Zone. A while ago I watched as many episodes of the original The Outer Limits as I could before it was yanked from Amazon Prime. The series was good at stretching what could have been half-hour episodes into full hours. Duvall worked well with the deliberately slow pacing, as seen in “The Chameleon.”

2 thoughts on “Chameleon Actor”

  1. I was waiting to see if Tender Mercies was going to be mentioned. Only saw it once, a long time ago, but the performance stuck with me, in that it seemed like a very different side of Duvall from what I knew. Always thought it was a tremendous performance. May have to watch it again (along with Network).

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