Hitchin’ Post

This is Turner Classic Movies’ Alfred Hitchcock binge weekend. I’m a Hitch guy, and I never tire of watching many of his films.

Foreign Correspondent is a favorite that I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Watching Shadow of a Doubt, an otherwise much greater film, I was reminded how much the ending just doesn’t work for me.

I was in high school when Hitchcock appeared on The Dick Cavett Show.

P.S. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen Psycho, but my favorite was at a sold-out TCM Event showing in Phoenix, where the movie is ostensibly set. It’s playing on TCM right now, and until this moment I’d never before noticed the shower behind Janet Leigh in her apartment, before she runs away with the money.

One thought on “Hitchin’ Post”

  1. coinkadinkadoo dept(w/ apologies to both mr. durante & mr. bunny): i believe i will be picking up dvd’s of the above film for both bobby & myself tomorrow.dont sell it short it has so many wonderful set pieces, i consider it one of hitch’s most purely entertaining film right up there w/ “n x nw”. love those umbrellas

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