Not Getting a Buzz On

Something for record playing loyalists to think about. Why spend more than $40?

“The Shure is an RXP3 body from Radio Shack, with a new, original Shure stylus. The AT85EP is new. The level of the turntable was checked with an Audio-Technica AT605.

Both the Shure and A-T cartridges play side 2, track 8 of the Hi-Fi News Test LP cleanly, without buzzing. The M92E is louder, at 5.0 mV vs. 3.5 mV. My Ortofon Super OM 20, mounted in a Thorens TD166-MKII, fails the same test.

The M92E is discontinued, but the AT85EP is widely available for only $40. Audio-Technica sells a $10 universal adapter for mounting in a standard tonearm.”

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