
A couple of weeks ago I said, “But false advertising is bad, and I assume there will be repercussions.”

Euphonic Inaccuracy

So now somebody is suing MoFi. Can’t see much financial compensation coming from this action.


The undisclosed use of DSD digital masters is the basis for the lawsuit. Some audiophiles seek out DSD sources, usually in the Super Audio CD format. They’re often the same people who are buying the vinyl releases and, yes, Mofi sells SA-CD! You’d think that would have been enough of a hint for the hardcore vinyl enthusiasts.


There are some extremely expensive CD/SA-CD decks with analog outputs. But the last time I checked, even the least expensive Sony Blu-ray players support SA-CD over HDMI. I have a couple of SA-CD discs that play through my Onkyo A/V receiver’s DAC.

Since the demise of the mainstream hi-fi magazines — Stereo Review, High Fidelity, and Audio — that did actual lab testing, including anechoic chambers for speakers, reviews have been almost entirely subjective. Oh, for the days when you could sit at a stereo store and click a button to immediately switch between two sets of speakers! Customers could make their own subjective judgments, limited only by their budget and the selection of speakers offered by the dealer. (Speaker preferences are ultimately always subjective, but the quality of an HDTV picture can be judged objectively.)

For objective audio equipment testing, today there is Amir at Audio Science Review. Amir doesn’t believe in magical audio snake oil. What about RCA cables for the analog outputs on those expensive SA-CD decks?

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