Dam Them All

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Movies/Wordpress/NOV06/Dam.flv 400 300]
Meet the whole Dam family! This is from 1905, and I think it’s very funny.

In 1905 Little Nemo in Slumberland first appeared, Teddy Roosevelt began his first term as President, and Albert Einstein published his Theory of Relativity.

It boggles my mind to realize that as much time has passed since I was born, as between this movie and when I was born! Maybe Baby Dam is still alive.

2 thoughts on “Dam Them All”

  1. You make a very good point, Jean!

    Carol’s late grandmother, who lived to 99, said that in her lifetime, without a doubt in her mind, the biggest changes occurred when she was young. From no cars to cars. From no telephone to telephone. From no electricity to electricity. From no radio to radio. From no TV to TV.

    She was right! Everything — except for computers and the Internet — that we have today is merely an improvement over what has been taken for granted for many decades.

    And yet, through it all, people are people.

  2. A pure 101-year-old delight! What’s so fascinating is that, despite the fact that the “actors” have NOT been influenced by the EXTREME rapid changes in media, etc., that the next two or three generations would endure, their body language is pretty much the same! The little girl moved pretty much like Molly and her friends still moved around up until a year or so ago, and the woman washing the big dishpan seemed quite natural! The dog, of course, can’t act, and sits and pants, just like our dog.

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