Week #5

MIT Technology Review profiles Tom Scholz.


This is the breakthrough album that made Scholz’s non-existent band, Boston, an overnight sensation.

I caught some of this BBC podcast today, and I’m sufficiently interested to start listening from the start.

So, how am I doing, on the home stretch of cancer treatments? It’s like he said in a galaxy far, far away.

One thought on “Week #5”

  1. Yes, but you still look as good as the young as the young Harrison Ford, even with a gleaming pate! Can you still eat Leslie’s gourmet repasts?

    P.S. Did you know I was almost cast as one of Kelly MacGillis’s sister’s in “Witness” back in 1984? It was when Bill and I first moved to Lancaster as Paramount also arrived. They said I looked something like Kelly and loved my very long hair. I couldn’t stay to talk to the main casting director or I’d miss the last bus home. It was a tiny part, with no words, just me handing Kelly a pitcher at the barn-raising scene and sharing a smile. I think it was cut. Too bad, it would have been a seconds-long close-up! However, Bill’s car is clearly visible in the car garage scene!

    As usual, I digress. The mere fact that you can type in your blog is an excellent sign. You must have superpowers, and won’t need Aunt May’s medicine after all

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