Just another web site

It’s not the Internet, which was developed under the direction of Bob Taylor. It’s not Xerox PARC, where the GUI, Ethernet, and laser printing were developed under the guidance of the same Bob Taylor, and it’s not the Wordwide Web, developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. It’s just another Web site. A Web site that only now is going to have its own data centers. It’s Facebook.

Does the human interest story behind the start of Facebook, and the fact that it’s current and has 20-something appeal, make it more worthy of a major motion picture than the creation of the Internet and the WWW? Doesn’t matter, because the movie The Social Network is coming…

I like Facebook. Has it changed my life? No, WordPress has had a much bigger effect on me personally. I’ve been on the Internet from home since early 1994, and Facebook came along much too late in my online experience for me to be awed by it.

By the way, the version of radiohead’s “creep” that’s heard in that movie trailer is by the Belgian singing group the Scala & Kolacny Brothers Choir, who I featured here a couple of years ago.

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