It’s a Platter of Fact

Before records became a popular music medium again, good used turntables were cheap. This durable Pioneer PL-112D, for example, was an impulse purchase I made a long time ago.

Zombies under Stones

Because it’s endlessly fun to futz with audio gear, I bought a new belt for the PL-112D and pulled it out of storage.

Grado Green with Grado Black stylus

This latest exercise in retirement time wasting was done to see if increasing the tracking force of a Grado cartridge from the fixed P-mount setting of 1.25 grams to ~1.70 improves tracking.

Well, whaddaya know? It works. The distinctly annoying sibilance in George’s vocal on “Within You, Without You” is gone from my 1970’s British Parlophone pressing of Sgt. Pepper.

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