Between Heaven and Haibane

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Honorable son Eric’s latest animé pick is a very odd offering, indeed. Odd because Haibane Renmei depicts angel-like (although not angelic) creatures who are perhaps on their way to Heaven? Seems like a rather Christian basis for a Japanese story. Without Netflix there’s no way we’d be able to see all of these animé titles.

90 Degree Ankle

Compare this scan to the MRI of my ankle at this link. Better, eh? I placed my portable light box face down behind the film during scanning. A simple and effective trick. Why didn’t I think of it before?

“Intrinsically normal posterial tibial tendon.” The previous doctor went along with this! And they were both wrong, wrong, wrong. Four months, two doctors, six weeks of physical therapy — with a $180 co-pay — and here I am, starting all over again. If my ankle had been locked in the orthotic boot at a 90° angle back in July, I would have been able to run the Boston Marathon in April! Grrr…

My wife just suggested the radiologist must have viewed the film without a backlight, so it looked liked my first scan. HA! Wouldn’t doubt it. At least the money spent on the MRI was worthwhile, now that a competent clinician is involved.

Yvonne Craig’s List

Morena Baccarin from Firefly/Serenity was a no-show at this weekend’s Super Megafest in Framingham, MA. Either a “prior commitment” situation or, as my friend Bill speculated, the promoters didn’t have the cash to pay her fee and plane fare.

But lovely Yvonne Craig is there! I missed her last Boston appearance, and I’m happy to report that, as expected, she’s a real sweetheart. That’s Yvonne in one of the two movies she made with Elvis. I had her autograph that picture for my buddy Dennis, who couldn’t attend the convention due to a prior commitment.

Eric was happy to get Billy Dee Williams’ autograph. The admission price is good for both days, so we’ll go back tomorrow. Heck, it’s only seven miles from home.


Like my new shoe?? Walking — or, I should say hobbling — across Boston Common from the underground parking garage to the Orpheum Theatre to see Brian Wilson (see previous post) wasn’t easy. Six weeks I have to wear this thing, every waking hour.

The previous doctor had it wrong. All wrong. No Boston Marathon for me, this year, but I’ve been promised that I will run again, without having surgery. I’ll explain it all later. Have to ice my ankle before going to bed.

Good Vibes Live

Just got back from seeing Brian Wilson live at the Orpheum in Boston. It was an excellent concert! I was surprised and pleased to see Al Jardine on stage. Maybe I can get my buddy Dennis to write a review of the show.