Category: Cartoony Looney
DOuG pRATt drawings
After much self-deliberation I decided to not hand out candy this Covid-cursed Halloween. Not that I expect many trick or treaters anyway. But not wanting to just leave the house dark and hope nobody comes to the door, I wanted to do something fun instead. So I drew this picture.
I have an old tripod projector screen I got for free at work, that I like to use in the living room with a projector I picked up on eBay for $65. It looks like this.
Here’s a simulation of what I’m planning to do, weather permitting. Halloween evening on Saturday, I’ll put the screen on the front porch and display the message announcing that we aren’t offering candy.
Pencil Pushing
The Undecided
You’d have to be a birdbrain to not know who you’re voting for president on November 3rd!
Suburban moms will be a critical voting bloc on election day. Many of them are struggling with managing their kids at home, who are attending school online. Voting by mail must be like a coronavirus vaccine — safe and effective!