Groovin’ On Beatles Oddities

Beatles Alternate Butcher Cover

This is a picture of The Beatles that I bet you haven’t seen. It’s the original concept for what became the infamous butcher cover for the initial pressings of the US LP “Yesterday and Today.” The idea was to give the impression that the woman was being disemboweled. Pleasant, eh?

The Beatles hated the way Capitol in America put out their records, and they felt their material was being butchered. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band was the first LP that was released exactly as it was in the UK. Well, almost. It was missing the inner groove at the end of side 2. This is how it sounded.


This is how it sounded in the UK, assuming you had a manual record player that left the tone arm down.


Note the superior sound quality of the British pressing. Listen carefully at 28 seconds and you’ll hear Ringo’s shoe squeak; however, at the end, the full three seconds of the inner groove don’t play. The CD release of Pepper has it played in a loop, but this single-play recording is from an LP.


EMI Assembly Line 1965
Rubber Soul records being inserted into sleeves, England 1965

One of the best known Beatles song anomalies is the false start to “I’m Looking Through You” on Rubber Soul that is missing on the UK version. But instead of that, I’ll offer the rarely heard hi-hat intro to “All My Loving.”


And finally, here’s the end of “Penny Lane” as it was originally heard on the radio in America and Canada. The horn will either sound strange to you or, if you’re old enough, it will be something very distant, yet familiar.


Another Beatles Death — Neil Aspinall

Only a couple of weeks after the passing of Beatles recording engineer Norman Smith, Beatles road manager and business associate Neil Aspinall has died. It would take a long time to explain Neil’s relationship and roles with the Beatles, so I won’t even try. But it’s safe to say that without Neil Aspinall, the massive Beatles Anthology project in the mid-90’s would never have gotten done.

Here’s a link to an obituary in The Los Angeles Times. If that doesn’t work, click here instead. And at this link is the BBC’s write up on Neil.

My Favorite Beatles Song

Do I have one single favorite Beatles song? Actually, yes, I think I do. Overall, I tend to favor John over Paul, but this one is my favorite.

[flv:/Video/2008/MAR/HelloGoodbye.flv 440 330]

And while I have the old Laser (pre-DVD) video disc player going, here’s a delightful short scene from Magical Mystery Tour. Seeing this, it’s obvious that John had a kid of his own.

[flv:/Video/2008/MAR/MagicalMysteryTour.flv 440 330]

Extra: That version of “Hello, Goodbye” is obviously not the original stereo mix from Thursday, November 2, 1967. Further, it’s slower. Or perhaps the mix for the record was sped up. I’ll put it here for comparison, taken from the original Capitol Records LP of Magical Mystery Tour that I first heard 40 years ago.


In the UK, Magical Mystery Tour was a double EP, and it had only the songs on side 1 of the American LP.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Seth Swirsky’s Meeting With Norman Smith

As a follow-up to my tribute to the late Norman Hurricane Smith, the Beatles’ first recording engineer at EMI, I’ll send you over to this link, where Seth Swirsky tells of his meeting with Norman.

Also The New York Times has a good obituary for Norman, with some details I haven’t seen elsewhere, including confirmation that the alias Hurricane Smith came from the title of a 1952 movie. At this link.

Norman “Hurricane” Smith, 1923-2008

This is my third, and saddest, post about Norman Smith. My previous posts are here and here.

When I first heard the name Hurricane Smith, I didn’t know it was the title of a 1952 Yvonne DeCarlo movie, and I still don’t know for certain if Smith borrowed it for his pseudonym. But before I knew who he was, or anything else about him, I loved listening this song.


I transferred that from an original 1972 45 rpm single. As Hurricane Smith, Norman scored big with this international hit, ‘Oh Babe, What Would You Say?’ This is the flip side, ‘Getting to Know You.’


Norman Smith with George Martin

It wasn’t until many years later I learned that under producer George Martin, Smith had been The Beatles’ first recording engineer at EMI’s Abbey Road studios. In fact, Norman was among the first studio professionals to hear something special in the Fab Four’s music, as described in this quote about their ‘artist test’ recordings at EMI, from The Beatles Recording Sessions, by Mark Lewisohn.

Paul sang ‘Besame Mucho’, the Latin crooner, then they layed down three Lennon-McCartney originals, ‘Love Me Do’, ‘P.S. I Love You’ and ‘Ask Me Why’. It was during ‘Love Me Do’ that Norman Smith pricked up his ears. “Norman said to me ‘Go down and pick up George [Martin] from the canteen and see what he thinks of this’,” recalls [second engineer Chris] Neal.

Of his first encounter with The Beatles, Norman had this to say.

They had such duff equipment. Ugly, unpainted wooden amplifiers, extremely noisy, with earth loops and goodness knows what. There was as much noise coming from the amps as there was from the instruments. Paul’s bass was particularly bad and it was clear that the session wasn’t going to get under way until something was done about it.

Spoken like a true recording engineer! First step: getting the gear right. In Lewisohn’s The Beatles Recording Sessions, Paul McCartney said…

Norman Smith was a great engineer, we were all so sad when Norman became a producer because we wanted him as our engineer, he was dynamite. Geoff was dynamite too, in fact that was the great thing about all of the EMI guys. Training. Anyone you get who’s been EMI trained really knows what he’s doing.

‘Geoff’ refers to Geoff Emerick, whose second day on the job at EMI happened to be the very first studio session by the Beatles, after George Martin decided to sign them to a recording contract. I previously featured Emerick’s memoir, Here There and Everywhere in this post. Geoff wasn’t at the artist test recording session, but he heard this about it.

Richard [Langham, assistant engineer] had heard good things about the Beatles’ artist test, too, and not just from Chris. Apparently there was quite a buzz around the studio about them…”

Norman Smith was the Beatles’ recording engineer through the Rubber Soul sessions. By then, in his 40’s, Smith wanted to be a full-fledged record producer, and as Emerick recalls…

I can equally understand George Martin’s adamant refusal to allow Norman to receive the promotion and remain as the Beatles’ engineer.

Smith felt he was onto something with his discovery of a new and unusual band called Pink Floyd, and indeed he was proven right. He produced three of their first four albums. It was Smith’s departure that made it possible for Emerick to be promoted to Engineer. From that point on, his recording techniques defined the sound of Beatles records.

Brian Kehew, Norman Smith, Kevin Ryan

This is a recent snapshot of Norman Smith with the authors of the RTB Book: Recording The Beatles, Brian Kehew and Kevin Ryan. Before I wrap up, I’ll embed this video of Hurricane I spotted on YouTube.

[flv:/Video/2008/MAR/HurricaneSmith.flv 440 330]

Norman Smith, 85, recording engineer and recording artist, died on March 3 at his home in Rye, England. Goodbye, Hurricane.

Walter Cronkite and The Beatles

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of two sisters, backstage with The Beatles at the Ed Sullivan Show. Who at CBS, I asked, would have had enough clout to arrange such a meeting? I received several e-mail requests for the answer. Here are the girls, Nancy and Kathy Cronkite, with their father.

Nancy, Walter, and Kathy Cronkite

Walter Cronkite takes credit for having shown a news clip about The Beatles that caught the attention of Ed Sullivan. And the rest is, of course, history. I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to CBS News for providing this video.

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