Pet Bats 1000!

Dave Moncur has written to tell me the great news that yesterday the PETition to request Petula Clark be granted the title of Dame passed the 1000 mark! Thanks, Dave, and thanks to everybody who signed!

At the moment the signature count is 1010, and the list includes writer Alan Moore, creator of V for Vendetta, and other comic book stories that have been adapted into movies. His graphic novel from 20 years ago, Watchmen, superbly illustrated by Dave Gibbons, is currently in production. Moore can be seen in Jonathan Ross’s documentary for the BBC, In Search of Steve Ditko. You’ll find it in seven parts here on, starting at this link.

Something I’ve discussed previously about Petula Clark are the many styles and persona she has assumed in her career over the years. She suited herself perfectly in whatever the era was she performed. I like to think that Pet is more than merely versatile — she’s multi-faceted, even complicated. And for me that’s a big part of her appeal, because it’s always been there, enhancing her performances. It’s an understatement to say there’s always been more to Pet than meets the eye.

Here are a couple of pictures of Pet you can click to enlarge. She’s the picture-perfect wife next door, as if anybody could ever hope to have her living next door …

Petula ClarkPetula Clark

… and here Pet presents two other sides of herself. One more business-like, the other decidedly show business-like.

Petula ClarkPetula Clark

Petula was an adorable child star, then later she was an ingenue in film, but we knew nothing of that when she first appeared in America. In Paris she was sultry and sexy, and we didn’t get to see that either in America. Yet here in the States she fit in perfectly with the go-go fashions of the Swinging Sixties teen music scene, and from there she gracefully transitioned to a more adult audience, as seen in the Dean Martin shows, and her own TV specials. I would suggest that men of the adult married variety were particularly interested in her during this phase of her career. I consider Pet’s appearance in the video I posted here to be one of the sexiest, and most contagiously fun, performances I’ve ever seen.

Being PETicular

Petula ClarkMy sister Jean has reminded me that it’s been a while since I’ve posted something about dear Petula Clark. Indeed! First, I would like to send you over to View Images to see a fabulous collection of over sixty Pet photos, some very early, and some very recent.

What a long and varied career Pet has had. She is so deserving of the title of Dame in the UK, but we’re still 100 shy of the 1000 mark for signatures on the PETition. I guess I’m not really entitled to say “we’re” because I can’t vote, not being a citizen or resident of the UK. There are only a couple more months to vote, folks! So please do it now. While you’re doing that you can listen to an audio interview with Pet, conducted for the U.S. Army in December, 1966, by disk jockey Harry Harrison, while he was with WMCA in New York. In ’68 Harrison jumped over to WABC to replace the departing Herb Oscar Anderson.


As a child, Petula sang for the British troops on BBC radio during World War II. She was famous for singing “Mighty Lak A Rose.” Later, as a young woman she sang it again. I’m not sure exactly when this recording was made.


And finally, I’ve a confession to make. I never wanted any of the Beatles to hold my hand. That’s why I’m glad Pet recorded her own version of “I Want To Hold Your Hand.”


PETition Reminder!

Hey, all of you British natives, nationals, and residents! Richard Harries has written to remind me, to remind you, to please sign the PETition to have Petula Clark promoted from MBE to full-fledged Dame! I will be very petulant if there aren’t at least 1000 signatories on the form before the March 12 deadline. I may have a Brit name, but I’m a Yank, so I can’t sign, but as Rich points out, “US citizens (and other non Brits ) can sign if they have a UK address. Sheila Ferguson of the Three Degrees signed on that basis!” So there you have it.

Go to THIS LINK NOW and add your name to those who have already signed. In thanks for your participation in this worthy cause, here is a very special and personal song by Pet.

[flv:/Video/NOV07/PetLive.flv 400 300]

Happy Birthday Jo Stafford

In three days Petula Clark turns 75 (Shhhhh! I don’t think we’re supposed to talk about Pet’s age), but today the singer Jo Stafford turned 90! Jo was a favorite of Charles M. Schulz, and a song by her is featured at this link. In December 1955, when TV was overtaking radio and Rock and Roll was taking over radio (please note the distinction), Jo had a song in the top 10 called ‘It’s Almost Tomorrow’.


Jo joined the television revolution, and later appeared on the Steve Allen Show. How many other faces do you recognize in this video?

[flv: 400 300]