November in July

Members of the Secret Service surrounded former President Donald J. Trump after shots were fired at a rally in Butler, Pa. — Doug Mills/The New York Times

It’s all over, except for the voting. Trump will serve another term in the White House.

“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” — Republican Vice President hopeful J.D. Vance

What an irresponsible thing for a United States senator to say. I see this event as being the latest in a long series of mass shootings. What Vance should be doing is promoting an assault weapon ban.

How Many Partisan Hacks Does It Take to Destroy a Democracy?

“My goal today is to convince you that this court is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks.” — Amy Coney Barrett, September 12, 2021

Yesterday, Barrett and her five conservative colleagues proved that they are indeed a bunch of partisan hacks. It was a foregone conclusion how Alito and Thomas would vote, and I was wrong to hold some small hope for the other four justices.

With Trump’s Federal charges yet to be tried, he has not only been found pre-emptively innocent, he has been awarded broad powers to do whatever he wants if he returns to office. Starting with dropping all of the charges against him, which he can do even without yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling.

Chief Justice Roberts, who wrote the majority opinion, said Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent was, “fear mongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals about a future where the President feels empowered to violate federal criminal law.” Like the formerly extreme hypothetical of Roe v. Wade being overturned after fifty years?

Right now, based on Biden’s disastrous performance in last Thursday’s debate, and his refusal to drop out of the race, it seems likely that Trump will win in November. As dictator starting on Day 1, Trump will act with impunity, of this we can be certain.

Only long after Trump has committed his countless crimes, might there be the determination of whether or not they were done as “official acts.” But with the Justice Department filled with his cronies, nobody will bring the charges. The impeachment process will be the only possible disciplinary action.

Republicans now have everything they could wish for. The only note of optimism I can offer is the old saying, “be careful what you wish for.”

Special Post-Op Pre-Chemo Post

Awaiting whatever my medical fate will be, I really didn’t feel inclined to post anything. Until the debate. Biden was an elderly man showing the effect of Sundowning:

The president can’t have a “bad night.” If he can be like this now, what about four years from now? I am appalled by all of the excuses being made by Biden’s team. They think this changes nothing, but it changes everything.

Allies must be concerned and enemies must be very pleased, by Biden’s obviously diminished condition. He is no longer fit to represent the United States on the world stage. Trump also worries allies and pleases enemies, but Biden no longer has the advantage.

I don’t know how anyone can be undecided at this point, let alone be a loyal Trump follower. But this much is clear. The undecided voters in the swing states will decide the election, and Biden has decided for them. He will lose in November.

Deny, Attack, Repeat

Taken by itself, the fraudulent document case was much ado about nothing. Considered in context, however, it’s the same as Trump’s “perfect phone calls,” where he pressured Zelensky to fabricate a story about Biden, and then asked Raffensberger to “find” votes that didn’t exist. It’s how he operates, and it’s good to see the Roy Cohn playbook of “deny and attack” is no longer working for Trump, at least not in court.

Considered in another context, Trump is a legitimate businessman who only tests the edges of legality. The context of the Ponzi Scheme.