Stuck in the Middle

Without the pandemic I’m certain that Trump, for all of his incompetence and dishonesty, would have nonetheless been reelected in 2020. Covid may have been the cause, but the fact is that Trump left office with the economy in shambles.

Biden shouldn’t have added another economic stimulus while the supply chains were still tangled up. The result was inflation, but interest rates needed to be brought back up to a reasonable level anyway. The commercial real estate market is suffering from a combination of remote work and years of borrowing money for free, following the financial crisis of 2008.

If Trump wins the election next week, he’ll inherit an economy that’s once again in good shape overall, as it was when he took over from Obama. That doesn’t mean there aren’t middle class families that are struggling. There always are, even without a recession. Something I’ve noticed in many stories about the economy is they often feature a single mother, as this one does.

While driving with good, ol’ Denro this past weekend to see Joe Sinnott’s family at the Albany Comic Con, we noticed a lot of highway construction. There are overpasses under construction at a Mass Pike interchange, and we rode on plenty of new pavement along the way. If Trump wins, he’ll also inherit the benefits of Biden’s Build Back Better legislation. Trump kept talking about an infrastructure bill, but he never delivered one. Maybe he had concepts of a plan.

On Biden’s watch, the government has launched large programs to move the country to clean energy sources, to create from scratch or to bring onshore a number of industries, to strengthen organized labor, to build thousands of infrastructure projects, to embed racial-equity goals in many government programs, and to break up concentrations of economic power.

Brother, Can You Spare a Loan?

Along with Covid, we continue to live with the profoundly harmful effects of the 2008 financial crisis. I don’t know if this documentary is any good. I’m putting it here to watch later. Maybe you’ll see it before I do.

Follow-up: There’s no new information, but I liked that somebody brings up how the excesses of the trading floor spilled over into the private lives of the brokers; i.e., cocaine and hookers.

The documentary begins with an independently operating Ponzi schemer who got caught and went to prison. He’s the sort of guy who you’d expect to see on an episode of American Greed. From there the theme is, “Why him and not the big Wall Street bankers?” The most interesting comment, and one that I agree with, is at 46:45.

Healthcare in the Heartland

The USDA is building hospitals?

It makes sense the government agency that is most involved with rural America would step in where there is a need beyond providing farm subsidies. What I don’t understand is why the people in rural America who benefit from the federal government’s direct assistance hate the government and support Trump.