It’s off! Colbert’s cast is gone from his formerly broken wrist. The eBay auction for the cast is at this link. And now that the cast is off, he’s going to take two weeks off.
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Category: Politics, Religion & Money
The Branson-Colbert Water Fight
Here it is. The now-infamous water fight that Sir Richard Branson started with Stephen Colbert. Spontaneous? All in good fun? You be the judge! I’ll let you find the complete interview video on Comedy Central.
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Nothing Succeeds Like Failure
One thing that makes some people cynical — not me, of course, but “some people” — is a failed CEO getting nearly $50 million to go away, on top of a $5m severance package. Case in point: Kevin Rollins at DELL Computer Corporation.
We’ll Stand Up When Rove Stands Down
Good riddance to the divisive and destructive Karl Rove. He’s no genius, but he is the most successful in a chain of Republican operatives without scruples. It’s a list that includes the excretory Roy Cohn and, more recently, the pitiless and pitiful Lee Atwater.
You want an example of Karl Rove being divisive? Here’s one. Listen to this statement by Rove.
[audio:]This is a complete mis-characterization. What the Democrats wanted was adherence to the FISA Act, which requires court approval of the surveillance.
Colbert vs. Branson: Cooler Heads Prevail
The Net is full of talk about a spat between mega-rich Richard Branson and mega-influential Stephen Colbert. If it’s true that a peeved Branson dumped his glass of water on Colbert during the recording of a segment of The Colbert Report, then Branson is a fool, because the only possible outcome is Branson will lose and Colbert will gain. It’s been reported that Colbert retaliated.
The latest word is that the scene will be shown, so we will all be able to see what really happened. You can, of course, count on me posting it here as soon as the video of the event is available.
Girl-God Raises the Yamato
An episode of the previously-blogged anime Kamichu took us rather by surprise. Girl-god Yurie’s spirit form travels to the bottom of the Pacific ocean to raise the spirit of the Japanese battleship Yamato, for an elderly man who left the crew before the ship’s sinking in 1945. I’ve spliced a few scenes together.
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What surprised us was how the episode rejoices in the legend of the ship — the largest ever built — without political overtones or, for that matter, ever mentioning WWII. The PBS program NOVA has a good section about the Yamato on its Web site. The old man in the cartoon who rhapsodizes about sailing on the Yamato says he was born in 1920, so either he’s supposed to be well into his 80’s, or the show takes place some time ago.