McGovernment Meeting

Jim McGovern, representing the Massachusetts 2nd Congressional District, addressed a packed high school auditorium this morning. Without a single MAGA hat in sight, McGovern delivered a forceful message of Democratic resistance against Trump and his subservient Republican cronies.

Listening to McGovern and the questions from his constituents, I had flashbacks to my radio reporting days. Back then, I stayed to the very end of meetings, then I’d conduct interviews to get audio for broadcast. Today, as a spectator rather than a reporter, I left after two hours when an activist took some applause he received as giving him permission to indulge in vituperative grandstanding.

Elon Unmusked

There’s so much confusion resulting from Trump giving Musk authority over his confirmed cabinet picks.

Trump has always been a terrible manager. Six business bankruptcies can’t be wrong.

So I don’t know why any members of Trump’s cabinet are surprised that he immediately undermined their positions. Elon was called to a meeting, and he even showed up in a suit.

African-American holding White House door for white South African who left his native country at age 17, one year before the end of Apartheid

The meeting got heated, resulting in Donny allegedly putting some limits on Musk’s ability to act independently. Here’s a paywall-free NYTimes link with the inside scoop on the White House poop.–cA1g_GnO&smid=url-share

Just Say No to Crypto, etc.

Cryptocurrency is a form of gambling that serves no functional purpose other than money laundering. Trump, having pulled plenty of scams himself, previously declared crypto to be a scam. Donald now wants in on the scam and he’s advocating for an American crypto reserve currency.

Now that I am clear of cancer and free from afib, it would be nice if I could enjoy life. Trump is making that very difficult, especially regarding Social Security and Medicare. With those concerns in mind, tomorrow morning I will be attending a “coffee with your congressman” meeting with Representative James McGovern.