Tiny Pieces From Some Cruddy Blog


[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Movies/Wordpress/Colbert/Colbert11-07-06.flv 400 300]

Last night’s tag-team coverage of the mid-term elections by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central was fun. Here are the segments where these two top-of-their-game pundit comedians overlapped. An interesting bit in there where Stewart seems to be acknowledging that Colbert’s popularity is eclipsing his own.


The day before the mid-term elections, The Army Times is publishing this editorial, calling for the removal of Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. It should be noted that although the paper is sold to military personnel, it is a private publication.

A recommendation of my own is that we return to calling the Defense Department the War Department. Invading Iraq had nothing to do with defending America.

Colbert the Generous

If the space above is blank, blame YouTube™ — or, perhaps, Comedy Central.

I was remiss in failing to record Stephen Colbert on The Night of Too Many Stars on Comedy Central a few weeks ago. I figured it would show up on YouTube™, but then Comedy Central ordered all of its programming pulled from the recent $1.6b Google acquisition.

Indeed, numerous videos have been pulled by YouTube™, including one I linked to here. But, hurray, Stephen’s appearance on the benefit show for Autism remains online.

Some … WHAT Blog?

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Movies/Wordpress/NOV06/DailyShow.flv 400 300]

AUGH! The jig and gig are up. Comedy Central knows the truth, and they’re out to stop us bloggers.

According to this item on ZDNet, YouTube™ is being forced to remove Comedy Central video clips. There are still plenty of Colbert clips online there, but for how long? Will they come after the cruddy bloggers?