Cold or Flu?

This blasted cold I contracted a week ago continues to incapacitate me. Or maybe it’s incarcerated me, as I’ve been confined to the house since the first symptoms appeared late Tuesday. Just in case it could be the flu, I’ll check this chart from the CDC.

Nah, not the flu. Definitely a cold, but it’s a bad one. The chart doesn’t mention an earache, but I have that, along with a sore throat. Am I actually suffering from immunity debt?

Not Dead Yet

Last night was very rough. I’m amazed I got any sleep, but this morning the worst of it seems to be over. The congestion, runny nose, and sneezing indicate it’s just a plain, old cold. As colds go, it sure didn’t stay mild. My ribcage hurts from the coughing, and this headache could use some aspirin, but I’m improving. From now on, I’ll be masked whenever I’m indoors in a public place. Does that mean no more eating in restaurants? Yes, so it’ll be take-out for me, at least until Spring.

Masked, Innoculated, Boosted, and Sick

I’m not feeling any better than I did yesterday. In fact, I feel worse. Despite my taking every reasonable precaution against catching whatever it is that I caught.

Eating out at the Cheesecake Factory seemed to have been my downfall. It’s a respiratory illness, not food-borne, so I am recommending their excellent Tuscan Chicken specialty dish.

I’m going to bed super early and hope that recovery is coming my way soon.


Sunday I was at a great science museum. Don’t take my word for it. A world famous chemist recommends the Museum of Science, Boston.

I was at the MOS with my sister, who works there, and her family. Mingling among the crowds I wore a new Powcom KN95 from Bona Fide Masks. It came off during lunch at a nearby Cheesecake Factory, and when I drove a niece and her beau to the airport.

Tuesday at the library I also wore a mask. Later, I watched the CBS Evening News.

In the middle of the night I started coughing. By noon today, Wednesday, my throat was sore and one of my ears ached. Despite the precaution of wearing a protective mask, I caught something, but it isn’t Covid.

I had a flu shot, so if that’s what it is, I’m doing a lot better than the last time I caught flu ten years ago. It feels like nothing more than a mild cold.