Walkering Distance

As I have mentioned before, I grew up in Connecticut surrounded by cartoonists. Unfortunately, I didn’t begin to realize that until shortly before my family moved to Massachusetts. What might have been if we hadn’t moved!

Mort Walker passed away a couple of years ago, and his sons continue the family business. Brian Walker’s studio is only two miles from where I lived as a kid.

Reveille – A Family Legacy In Comics from Dave Walker on Vimeo.

A tip o’ the ol’ DogRat toupee to Mark Evanier, who recently featured this video on his NewsFromME blog.

Jumped… or PUSHED??

Seeing that a new LG 12000 BTU A/C (with WiFi!) had been delivered, the old LG 12000 BTU A/C in the living room didn’t want to come out of its metal cage. I kept pulling on the tray, but it refused to budge. After a brief struggle, I realized what the old LG wanted was a Thelma & Louise style ending. So I let it take the honorable way out… right out the window.


A couple of times since this blasted lockdown was declared I’ve taken the car out for drive on the highway, just to get out of the house with, like the Chuck Berry song, no particular place to go. But instead of Chuck Berry, here’s Bo Diddley.

A funny and somewhat unsettling observation I’ve made on the road is seeing an identical Camry in Champagne Mica, as Toyota calls the color. The driver is a lady who appears to be in her late 70’s. Move over, honey!

All Gassed Up With Nowhere to Go

Under the Covid lockdown it took a long time to use up half a tank of gas, just driving back and forth to the grocery store twice each week. I couldn’t believe the price to fill the tank — only $1.38/gallon!

Kraftwerk co-founder Florian Schneider died recently. I don’t have any Kraftwerk records, but like most everybody I know “Autobahn”. The single version made it to #25 on the Billboard chart.

Five years after “Autobahn” was Gary Numan’s album “The Pleasure Principle”, with his own electronic auto-related song “Cars”. The single cracked the Billboard top 10, peaking at #9.
